Livia Bandeira


She / Her

Words to live by

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

Current obsession

Daily walks, but I don’t know how it is going to be in the wintertime.

Guilty pleasure

French Vanilla Coffee, but it is too sweet for a diabetic.

Job you wanted as a child

Actress, but I couldn’t pull it off for being too shy.

Livia doesn’t just imagine things; she makes them happen. When the urge to become a graphic designer crystalized in her mind, Livia dedicated herself to learning the tools and techniques of the trade, expanding her base of knowledge, and maximizing every aspect of the career she loves.

Livia manifests her destiny now as a high-flying, world-class designer with a post-degree in web and mobile app design in Canada, rather than her native Brazil. Livia now makes her home in Vancouver with her two dogs, rounding out BSTRO’s cadre of elite web designers.

Her extensive experience, dedication, and education make Livia an effective and efficient marketer—the strength of her creativity and her success rate in bringing her imagination to life make her a joy to work with for both clients and colleagues. Livia spends her time enjoying the life she’s built and roaming the city she now calls home with dogs in tow, spreading the good word that the unknown isn’t to be feared, but embraced.

Puppy leaning their head on top of a laptop
Photo of Livia infront of a shore with boats
Photo of Livia and two dogs
Livia and a large dog

We’re here to help you look better, sound better, and sell more.